CEO Message
Representative Director Yukihiro Miyadera

The CCReB Group is
Through CRE Business
We will also contribute to solving social issues.

Thank you very much for your continued support during the past year.

Last year was a year of great change for our company, as we were listed on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange after only five years in business.
We will position this year as our "second founding period," a year in which we will further evolve our business model while meeting the expectations of our investors and stakeholders.

CCReB GATEWAY, a B2B portal site operated by our companyWe have analyzed the hot words in the mid-term management plans announced by companies every year, and have found that the trends of management hot words in a given year have been changing rapidly, and whereas in the past these trends tended to be concentrated, in recent years they have become less concentrated in the same words and more dispersed. The trend is not concentrated on the same words, but rather dispersed among them.

In a world that has become that much more difficult to orientate, we at the Kukurev Group are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers,

As for the CRE solutions business,

In the CRE advisory business, we will further strengthen the advisory business related to "improving capital efficiency by utilizing CRE strategies," for which we are receiving an increasing number of inquiries.
In the area of CRE fund formation, we will realize "CRE fund formation with respect to new asset types.
In project management, we will create "new businesses that can encourage the effective use of land by companies.
In the area of investment and leasing using B/S, continue the "strategy of acquiring new projects and replacing the existing portfolio by using the real estate tech system".
In the real estate brokerage business, the Company will improve its "discerning ability to determine which deals can be concluded as the number of registrations for the matching system expands.

As for the real estate tech business,

Expansion of new service lineup to meet the demands of clients outside the real estate industry
Strengthen sales of matching system as a subscription service

As a "Corporate Value Creation Solution Company," we will strive to realize our corporate philosophy by solving new social issues.

~To contribute to the Japanese economy and industry through all real estate solutions. ~ To contribute to the Japanese economy and industry through all real estate solutions.

We look forward to your continued support in the coming year.

CCReB Advisors Inc.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Yukihiro Miyadera