The Company has established the following as its basic policy for dealing with antisocial forces, and all officers and employees shall comply with this policy in order to ensure the appropriateness and safety of its business operations.
- (1) The Company shall deal with antisocial forces as an organization. (2) As soon as a relationship with antisocial forces is identified, it shall be promptly reported to the Representative Director and senior management, and the entire organization shall work together to deal with the matter under the direction of the Representative Director and senior management.
- (2) We will deal with antisocial forces in cooperation with outside professional organizations. (2) We will deal with anti-social forces in cooperation with police authorities, related external organizations, lawyers, and other external professional organizations to ensure the safety of officers and employees in dealing with such cases.
- (3) We shall not engage in any relationship, including transactions, with antisocial forces. We will thoroughly screen and investigate, and will not engage in any transactions with antisocial forces, and will cut off all relationships with them. In the unlikely event that a company is later found to be an anti-social force, we will promptly terminate the transaction.
- (4) In the event of a contingency, the Company shall take legal action, both civil and criminal. We will take legal action against antisocial forces, both criminal and civil, and reject unreasonable demands and threats.
- (5) Never engage in backroom deals or provide funds to antisocial forces. We will never engage in backroom deals with antisocial forces or provide funds to antisocial forces.